Friday, March 6, 2015

Instagram 014 - SUN & ICE-CREAM

New Instagram post! While writing this I'm so sad, I almost got tickets for James Bay but then there was an error and the second after thad the concert was sold out. I'm hoping for a second show so much, but I doubt if that will happen. So that is a little less, but there are many good things too and this is not the end of the world (or maybe it is). 
1. Well, the good things are: ICE-CREAM. You see those really good looking ice-creams above? Willemijn and I had those yesterday and they were amazing, the best, ever. Since I'm such an ice lover (read: addict) I made a plan to make a picture of EVERY ice-cream that I'll eat this summer! There already are 4 photos. 2. The second good thing is the sun! 3. I wore blue jeans, since ever and they actually aren't so bad 4. Beautiful crystals at a museum 5. Playing Ben Howard 6. Throwback to Thailand with my sis 7. The loveliest guy 8. Streets of tilburg! 
So that is it for now. I like this other way of posting the Instagram photos, this way you can see them better then 3 in a row. I hope I can make outfit photographs again sooon, there are some nice outfits in my mind but no time to shoot, maybe this weekend! What do you think of these photographs?


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