Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TRAVEL - BOLOGNA, a mosaic and roofed streets city

So over the past few weeks we, Paul and I, were still exploaring Italy. Yesterday my first day of school begon and that was something I still have to get used to (I was in there till 17:30). Luckily most of my wensdays are a day off (just like monday ahhh!) so that hellps getting started. Anyways, this is Bologna (Italy). Such a wonderfull city, for me not that known if you think about Italy. But Bologna is certainly worthwhile. Before we leaved I searched up a little bit about the city, but our guest lady of the B&B told us much more. 
The first day (about the last two photos) we got there is was a bit rainy, but that didn't mind for what we were gonna do. Upward of the city is a roofed walkway, counting 666 pillars and about 4 kilometers long, leading to Santuario di Madonna di San Luca. The walk was lovely and perfect for a rainy day, when we finished the roofed path we arrived at San Luca together with the sun! It was such a beautiful place.
But there is more that we climed in Bologna: Torre degli Asinelli. A tower of almost 100 meters high right in the centre of the city. We were told that if you can make it to the top of the tower (or any climb) you will succeed, whether it's your study, life or somehing else. That in mind we went to the tower to get to the top. Walking the stairs in the tower was a bit scarry ass you could easily look down and see the many meters beneath you. But the view when you reached the top was worth it all, you could see the whole city and further. 
Wow that's a long piece of words above here. But they had to be said about bologna. Whenever we weren't climbing something we wandered around the city, did some shopping (Brandy Melville!!), eat ice-cream and pizza. And for me I could stare at the floors forever since most of the floors in Bologna were paved with mosaic, for a little impression look at the 3th photograph. Have you ever been to Bologna?


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